Anthony's Chicken Tracks

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Santa Lost a Leg

A trip to Petsmart made it on the errand list today. While searching for dog food and cat litter, I encountered Santa with a black lab in his lap and a happy parent snapping photos. I chuckled and wondered if I should bring LongJohn and Buster back for a few pictures?

I made my way to the check out lane and headed to the car. After loading the car, I turned to find Santa behind me. I was a tad creeped out till Santa opened his mouth and asked if I had seen a three legged dog walk by. I blinked, shocked by what I heard and muttered, "No three legged dog here."

Some would think the three legged dog question or Santa's crooked beard didn't phase me. I was momentarily shocked to discover Santa was not a he. As Santa turned to continue her search for the three legged dog I began to ponder ... First Christ is stripped from Christmas and everything is Holiday this and Holiday that. Then Santa gets a sex change. What will be next?


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