Anthony's Chicken Tracks

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Pee is Power

There is nothing like cat piss to snap you back to reality. Our lovely cat, Sheleata Kanoftuna, has taken to pissing in the hall. Now that wouldn't be so bad if we had hardwood floors like our last place. With sixy medium pile beige carpet, the piss stain is hidden to you step in the damp spot and the smell lingers like an unwanted house guest.

After a bit of internet browsing, I learned this is often an indication your kitty has a urinary tract infection. Painful pee ... ouch ... I figured it was time to take Sheleata to the vet.

Taking Sheleata to the vet is an adventure. Sheleata's not like the dogs, who make a dash to the car and then run in circles with child like excitement till you open the door. The last couple of trips to the vet the car rides were filled with the most horrific cat screams (thank god there is not a Department of Child and Family Services for pets, from the sound of Shealeta, they would have locked me up thinking I was beating him). If that wasn't bad enough, Sheleata would often piss and crap in his crate.

I managed to get to the vet with no peeing or pooping. I figured after the 13 hour trip from Atlanta to Chicago, perhaps Sheleata is over his fear of ridding in cars. Two days later, I was asked to pick up Sheleata from the vet. Yes, that's right, our cat, who freely pees in the hall, managed to hold his piss for two days. Mind you, the vet was quick to tell me that wasn't the record, but much longer than usual. My kitty is so special.

While waiting for Sheleata, I am called into the Principals office, err...the vets office, for a consultation. She proclaims Sheleata is healthy as can be and proceeds to ask me 20 questions about litter, general care, etc. I felt like I was being interrogated to find out if I was an abusive parent. I got the Okay and sent home, with Sheleata and some things to try. Our vet also mentioned, in a worse case scenario, I can try Prozac. I chuckled to myself and wondered if I should put the cat on a diet of booze and dolls; it would fit the neighborhood we live in.

During the car ride home, I discovered just how angry our precious Sheleata was about his two day visit to the vet. A few blocks from home, Sheleata turned around, shoved his but up to the crate gate and proceeded to piss like a race horse. I felt the warm liquid splatter and got a good wiff of the now familiar smell. I turned to see view the carnage.

Holly Mary Mother of God, Tim is gonna crap his pants when he sees the car. I pulled out my cell, and placed a 911 call home. "Be outside with rags and cleaning material" I barked, "Sheleata just pissed all over me and the car". After a thourough cleaning, there is no scent of piss. I'm certain no one will comment on the lingering new car smell.

Two days later, I ponder what to do as the mild smell of cat piss lingers in the air. Prozac for me, the cat or both of us ... well, at least I have health insurance.


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